
Here’s a jungle camp secretly tucked within the deep forests of Hanspokhri at Indo-Nepal border, just beside the Balasun River. Untouched flora and fauna of the sub Himalayan type and a few tribal villages and terraced paddy fields bound the camp. Staying in this jungle camp is an experience by itself – bird watching in the early mornings, community river fishing in the afternoons and campfire in the evenings are few things, which will bring you closer to the people and nature of this place. The jungle camp at Hans pokhri is a perfect hideout for all those who want to stay a million miles away from civilization.

Places to see in Hanspokhri: The villages surrounding the forest, the terraced paddy fields and the Balasun River snaking through the deep dark jungles. The occasional calls of the peacock, the chirps of unknown birds and the constant grumbling of the Balasun River. You can also visit the local school in the village and a few viewpoints from where you can catch glimpses of the tea gardens in the horizon and more forests in the nearby hills and river valleys.

Nearby attractions of Hanspokhri: A few kilometers from the camp is an old iron bridge over the Balasun River. Once you cross the bridge, you enter the Singbulli and Murmah Tea Gardens. The road meanders through dense jungles and tea gardens and finally reaches Rangbhang River and the popular tourist destination of Mirik. The Sumendu Lake also known as Mirik Lake, the Bokar Monastery and the orange orchards of Mirik Busty are few touristic attractions nearby.

Things to do in Hanspokhri: You wake up to the calls of the peacock and go for a bird watching trip with our guide in the early hours of the day. Return to the camp and have a sumptuous breakfast. Take a village walk and try your hands in ploughing the terraced fields with your farmer friend. Just when the sun gets a little rough, head towards the Balasun River for a dip. You can hike along the riverbed or even participate in the community fishing activity here. After a long day of bird watching, farming, fishing, hiking and swimming, its time to enjoy a filling lunch and wind up in our Machaan overlooking the forest for a siesta. The evenings can go along with campfire and the local villagers narrating stories of how the British Bara Sahibs went for hunting expeditions and when was the last time the lonely traveller caught a glimpse of the Forest Fairy. Your friend from the village can also play a few folk songs for you.

How to reach Hanspokhri: Hanspokhri is around 50 kms from Siliguri through Dudhia Forest on Mirik Highway. Pick up services are arranged by the Hans Pokhri Jungle Camp for its guests.

Best time to visit Hanspokhri: You can visit Hanspokhri any time of the year. In the rainy season, the Balsun River gushes through the forest and in the winters the birds come down in thousands from the mountains.

Lodging and dining facilities in Hanspokhri: As of now, our jungle camp has two cottage tents with all modern amenities like attached western bathrooms, electricity and comfy beds. The jungle camp is housed in a two-acre forested land with an open – air dining area and a Machaan overlooking the forest. Sometimes, we even pitch tents for our guests who really want to stay the wild way. Food here is essentially Indian cuisine served hot and fresh and most ingredients are locally sourced and produced organically. At Hanspokhri Jungle Camp, you can experience nature “Up, Close and Personal”.


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