
If you are truly looking for a downtown escape from the pulsating city life, Sabuj Bon will be your ideal weekend tour destination. You will be truly amazed to discover this plantation museum, so close from Kolkata, in a small village called Rasulpur in Birbhum. Spanning an area of around 100 acres, this site features lush green vegetation for about 80 acres and large water body covers the rest of 20 acres. In the monsoon, the smell of the wet red soil and the sound of the pitter-patter raindrops truly create an enchanting atmosphere in Sabuj Bon, which will surely make you forget the hassles of your life.

Places to see in Sabuj Bon: Shantiniketan, Bolpur, Bhalki Machan, Bardhaman

Nearby attractions of Sabuj Bon: If you have some extra time, pay a visit to Shantiniketan to enrich your travel experience

Things to do at Sabuj Bon: The Ajoy river offers a delightful backdrop to this Sabuj Bon, admired with amazing greeneries. You can explore this whole region of undulating landscape. Try to recognize the huge varieties of trees and flower in the region. Some notable trees are Nolinas, Cycus, Edenium, Mili, Obesum, Bogenvelia and Panthapadap.

How to reach Sabuj Bon: Sabuj Bon is not located very close to Vishwa Bharati. You need to travel from Bolpur (Shantiniketan) station towards Vishwa Bharati by car. Take the first right turn and after crossing the railway track, drive for 12.5 kilometers to locate Sabuj Bon.

Best time to visit Sabuj Bon: Sabuj Bon, boasting of its exotic greeneries, welcomes tourists all through the year. However, the best time to visit is the rainy season.

Lodging & Dining facilities at Sabuj Bon: Small huts with thatched roofs have been built in this plantation museum using bamboo and clay, offering accommodation facilities. There are also provisions of huts equipped with air condition where as huts with simple fans are also provided. The bathrooms are also furnished with modern facilities. There is also a provision of an open-air dining room in the area, admired with seating arrangements made of bamboo and tiles.

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